Volunteer Recruitment and Training

At the very beginning of my ministry, I was challenged to find a Scriptural job description for a pastor.  I was shocked by what I discovered.  While shepherds (pastors) in Christ’s Church certainly need to be good teachers, there was no passage that indicated leading a great worship service and delivering a “fire from Heaven” message qualified me to be a spiritual leader. 

In fact, the Apostle Paul presented the NUMBER ONE assignment for a pastor.  Along with the other ministry “gifts” that Christ placed in His Church, pastors (shepherds) are to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).  At that moment, the way I understood ministry was shaped forever.  Recruiting and training spiritual leaders had to be a priority for the ongoing evangelism and growth of His Church. With the unprecedented challenges and demands of culture on church leadership today, it is imperative that recruiting, training, and empowering volunteers be given the highest level of attention and effort. It is God’s plan!

Many years of experience in children’s ministry has taught me that recruiting and training volunteers who have a heart for children, while, at the same time, leading an effective kid’sministry poses both unique opportunities and challenges.

One of the most important aspects of Kid-Connection is to assist you in developing strong, qualified leaders.

➢ Through our “ADVANCE” recruitment church service, we can assist you in sharing your vision to potential volunteers.
➢ A one-day “KID MIN 101” Seminar volunteers will be given practical training and tools to more effectively accomplish what God has called them to do.
➢ Reaching the children of your community requires a vision and disciplined determination.

Building a team of trained, equipped, and empowered volunteers around you is key to growth and development in Children’s ministry.  This is larger than any one individual.  God has given you the opportunity “equip others for the work of the ministry”!   

Want more information on how we can help you?
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